Pastured Pork Bones

Pastured Pork Bones

Approx. 3 lb
$2.00 /lb.
Avg. 3 lb.

What you’re getting

Bones from pastured pigs.

Approximately 3 lb

Raw. Frozen. Keep frozen or refrigerated.

The unsung superfood

You can’t look into nutrition for longer than five minutes without starting to hear about the almost-magical benefits of bone broth. And pork broth is no different! It’s rich and mild-flavored, ready to lend extra nutrients to any dish you choose.

Why you need pastured pork bones in your life

Leave it to Chinese cooks to figure out how to make pork bones into something magical! Ever since I first made an “everyday Chinese stock” from a mixture of pork and chicken bones seasoned with ginger and green onion, it’s been a staple in our house. Hearty yet refreshing, aromatic and flavorful, it’s truly more than the sum of its parts. We especially love to eat steaming bowls of it in the morning with a few eggs poached right in the broth, seasoned with fresh garlic and abundant cilantro—an inexpensive, ultra-nourishing breakfast that makes us happy inside and out every single time.

How to make pork bone broth

To turn these bones into a scrumptious, versatile Chinese stock, place in a pot with an equal amount of chicken broth bones and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Skim off the gunky foam that rises to the top, or if you feel up to it, drain the water and replace with fresh, returning to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for 12-24 hours. An hour or two before finishing, add the white parts of several green onions and a thumb-sized piece of unpeeled ginger, all lightly smashed. Finally, pour through a fine strainer, cool, and refrigerate. Remove the chilled fat from the top of the jar and discard or use for cooking.

The broth is now ready to use in your favorite recipes, or sipped on its own with a sprinkle of salt and a splash of rice wine.


How our pigs are raised

Pigs in the pasture are some of the happiest animals in the world. They get to spend every day living their piggy dreams: rooting, munching, and napping. We supplement their wild diet of roots, nuts, and plants with a corn-free, soy-free feed mix based on peanut meal. When it’s time to harvest them, we send them to a local, state-inspected butcher for processing. For more information about our farm’s practices, check out Our Standards.